Every time the world is more gay. With this pharse begin “Be Heterofriendly“, the new videoclip we’ve launched, and which uses humor sense to put an accent on positive discrimination in current society. On the campaign is carried to an extreme the concept open minded of our brand and it’s given back to the situation: […]
Every time the world is more gay. With this pharse begin “Be Heterofriendly“, the new videoclip we’ve launched, and which uses humor sense to put an accent on positive discrimination in current society.
On the campaign is carried to an extreme the concept open minded of our brand and it’s given back to the situation: no matter that straights don’t know to dance, combining socks, don’t know the last single from Madonna or simply don’t have abs defined; they are people too and have rights like the rest.
Video shooting was carried out at the first one of the two hotels we have in Barcelona, the city where has born our hotel chain.