interview drag queen ariel rec

Interview with Ariel REC: In the past, the Drag was very pigeonholed at night, but once again that is a clear case of ignorance, the drag is in many places, even more than in the clubs

16 Dec 2019 by Axel Hotels

Ariel REC is a versatile, brave and great artist drag queen. A few weeks ago he released his latest single named “No Quiero“, which tells the story of Ariel from its beginnings to the present, a very marked story of a princess who leaves behind taboos and prohibitions to become a rock star. From Axel […]

Ariel REC is a versatile, brave and great artist drag queen. A few weeks ago he released his latest single named “No Quiero“, which tells the story of Ariel from its beginnings to the present, a very marked story of a princess who leaves behind taboos and prohibitions to become a rock star.

From Axel Hotels, we have spoken with Ariel REC to tell us her philosophy of the drag queen phenomenon, to give us some details of the personality of her character and to predict how she sees the theme of the ‘drag-visibility’ today, in Spain and in the world.

What is Ariel REC like? If we had coffee with her, what do you think she would convey to us?

Ariel is a character with an idealized past, with a life of ‘Disney Princess’ but who actually has the soul of Rock Star! Having a coffee, you would talk about an endless number of things and surely you would end up getting a social issue that worries you and that you fight for.

How did Ariel REC appear?

I really don’t know how Ariel appeared. I only know that once he started appearing on the Madrid scene and it was amazing.

Do Rubén and Ariel look alike?

I think both are very clear where they are going and the way they want to choose, being Ariel who dares with everything, while Rubén likes to stay in a more discreet and reserved place; but I think the two complement each other perfectly.

Is it hard to be Drag Queen? I mean, a few days to start 2020 … is there still stigma or hate towards the Drag Queens?

Well, more than stigma, it is the ignorance of this art, and the ignorance of those who speak without knowledge. In the past the Drag was very pigeonholed at night, dark worlds murky and drug and perversion.

But once again that is a clear case of ignorance, because the drag is in so many places present even more than in the clubs, which in the end … we will move slowly towards the light to leave that dark world where they put the drag in the past, although thanks to TV shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race or simply with the Internet we are having incredible visibility and that is just one more step towards accepting this profession as any other.

Although drags have always been, the RuPaul universe has generated visibility that didn’t exist before, is that enough? What else is needed for ‘visibilidrag’?

I am not satisfied with anything, I only see it as another step. A few steps ahead in the US and here in Spain it costs a lot, the mentalities here are still very conservative and disrespectful. And as long as that doesn’t change … the process will be slow. We must respect the ideologies that others have whenever there is RESPECT!

The Vivienne or Divina de Campo?

Well, I’m a Team DIVINA , it reminded me a lot of the essence of drag in Europe and The Vivienne had a very American aesthetic, which is fine, but my heart is with Divina de Campo, OBVIOUSLY!

What do you like most when you do drag?

My photographer profession is a very lonely profession, and drag helps me connect with people and empathize. I think that is what brings me the most.

On the other hand … I really love to create! I do not raise anything, I only choose colors according to what I am going to put outfit and I start creating.

How long does it take to put on makeup?

I usually take about 1 hour and a quarter. Having studied Plastic Arts helps me to have speed and skill. In terms of makeup I do not doubt: I am firm and always determined.

Is it expensive to be drag? Among wigs, makeup, platforms …

Well, it is expensive, yes. I am lucky that being an Influencer I have the support of brands that provide me with products and that is a relief because a lot of money is spent for the poorly valued (economically speaking) that drag is currently in Spain.

Your last song ‘No Quiero’ is a success and we thank you for choosing Axel Hotel Madrid as part of your scenography for the video clip. Do you have another musical project in sight?

I wanted to tell Ariel’s story from the beginning to the present, that story of a rock star princess type adolescente teen series ’and I needed a palace, and of course I thought about your hotel… because it’s magic!!

And yes there are surprises on the way to spring, this time with more calm. I want to develop a new style in pop rock that has surprised and liked people so much. I think that no drag so far had dared to this genre and is honestly the one that represents me the most.

If there were a hypothetical RuPaul’s Drag Race Spain, would Ariel REC show up for casting?

I have always said that I would not participate in a contest because I am 0 competitive. But if the Rupaul’s Drag Race brand arrives in Spain… OBVIOUSLY!

Before trying to join the team, jury … to compete. I’m more to see things from the bench but it would make me feel like something like this could be done here, and that we would do it right. That here we already know that everything they try to copy ends up being a disaster. We cross our fingers … but I see it still far away.

Any advice / message in case someone suffers bullying because of their way of being, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity?

Yes. I would tell you to be patient, that everything goes by, to ask for help if you need it and to focus on knowing yourself. Don’t focus so much on your surroundings. Because sometimes life is not fair but we must never turn our backs on it: always look straight ahead and take it hard.